Where to go
Where Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is busy with new growth geared toward achieving total relevance in the global marketplace, Hanoi’s atmosphere speaks more to a reverence for the quiet wisdom that comes with the passage of time and much experience. Though Hanoi’s population is young and savvy—educated about the world through the Internet and foreign travel—many visitors to this dynamic and welcoming city remark on the sense of age and solidity the city exudes. Hanoi’s modern architecture and conveniences are built around a core of ancient streets, foods, culture, and habits of living in a harmonious blend that reveres the old while welcoming the new. Hanoi may just be your favorite destination in the vibrant tapestry that is Vietnam.
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Top 10 must-see sights in Hanoi, Vietnam
Being a capital of Vietnam, Hanoi plays an important role to be the heard of the country. Hanoi is also famous for...

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